SJC Institute

Transform your CMA Final Journey with Flying Colors

Are you Someone Who Wants to :

Quality of Teaching?

Availability of Resources?

Success Rate?

Guidance and Support?

Mentorship Availability?

CMA Final Students Face these 6 Frustrating Problems while Preparing for their Attempt:

1. Uncertainty in Starting Point: On average, 60% feel uncertain about where to start their preparations.

2. Balancing Articleship and Classes: They Struggle to balance articleship with classes, leading to demotivation.

3. Lack of Effective Strategies and Guidance: 90% of Students often lack effective strategies and proper guidance to follow.

4. Inconsistency in Preparation: Feel a lack of consistency in their study routine and approach.

5. Need for Guidance in Improving Writing Skills: Students require guidance to enhance their writing skills.

6. Uncertainty About Revision: Students are unsure about how many revisions they should complete.

If you are facing these Issues?

Let not these affect you, At SJC  we understand the challenges CMA Final students face and we help them to cater to their needs and provide personalized guidance.

<Positioning Numbers>

No of students

50,000+ students


15 years of experience 

No. of AIR rankers

No of teachers 

45+ experienced teachers 


Solutions We Provide for CMA Final Group 3 & Group 4 Students:

1. Managing Articleship with Classes: Guiding how to effectively manage articleship responsibilities alongside classes.

2. ABC Analysis: Offering ABC analysis to help students prioritize their study topics based on importance.

3. Progress Tracker: Providing a broad progress tracker to help students monitor their preparation and areas of improvement.

4. Personalized Exam Preparation Guidance: Offering personalized guidance on how to prepare effectively for exams based on individual strengths and weaknesses.
5. 1:1 Mentoring: Providing 1:1 personalized mentoring to address specific concerns and provide tailored support.
6. Time Management: Assisting students in managing their study time efficiently, especially in conjunction with articleships.
7. Strategy Workshops:  Conducting workshops to help students develop effective study strategies and exam-taking techniques
8. Performance Monitoring: Track your progress and improve your understanding of the subjects.

Already Given Both Final Groups, and still not deciding what to do now.

If you're unsure about your next steps, consider enhancing your skills with our specialized courses. Our offerings include: 

Practical training in finance

MS Excel proficiency, and 

Stock trading technical analysis.

Ranked Students

(images with Rank with Year)

Why Should You Choose Us For CMA Preparations?

  • We provide Personalized guidance as per the student's strengths & weaknesses.

  • We recommend Teachers based on preferences and budget.

  • We Monitor your performance to your track progress and improve your understanding.

  • We provide Comprehensive support for effective exam preparation.

  • We have a Track record of student success.

  • We have a team of experienced teachers to choose from.

  • We Provide Chapter-wise and full mock tests so that students can evaluate their exam Preparations.

Want A Personalized Guidance Class from our Best CMA teachers?



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 Student Success Stories

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Student Reviews and testimonials

                               For More Details About CMA Preparation, Connect Us Now



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